Highlights of "Araw ng Dabaw" 2012 & The March Philippine Singles Tour
A rare opportunity for foreigners to take a tour on Davao's special day.
Video Release Date: April 2nd, 2012 Episode Duration: 9:53 Format: HD
We would like to celebrate your birthday and meet hundreds of beautiful Philippine women plus join the Davaoenos during the birth of the beautiful city called "Davao" That's what Bill experienced. This episode is packed with video highlights of entertaining events. Watch another testimonial from our very own Noime and Tom who got engaged and who are now just waiting for her visa. There are also pictures and videos of beautiful ladies who enjoyed the Socials, lots and lots of happy faces and, of course, you introduced to some incredibly wonderful Philippine women waiting to meet you. But don't just watch and listen. What are you waiting for? You are invited to come and experience the special moments in Davao yourself!
Scroll down below the video screen to find out much more about the women featured in this video.
Don't forget, EVERY MONDAY you get to meet between 5 and 15 lovely new women with a new episode of "Philippine Weekly" - ONLY HERE! It just keeps getting better and better!
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Contact The Beautiful Women Featured In This Episode!
The beautiful Philippine women featured in this weeks video episode are REAL and actively seeking their lifemate. They want to hear from you! After you watch the video you can find out more about each one of them below by clicking on their picture, viewing their profile and then contacting them. In the end, however, you know and they know that you have to plan to go ACTUALLY MEET THEM before you can ever marry that special woman for you. So set your goals and MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW (you can determine your departure date and destination later with a $475 "Open" reservation that provides $800 of instant value). It is no coincidence that your romantic efforts become much more effective when you know - AND the women know - that you are actually committed to meeting them at some time in the near future.
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